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Senior Tech Talk with GFT

We sat down with Simon Newton, GFT的网络安全实践主管将参加最新的高级技术讲座,届时我们将讨论GFT如何定位自己,以利用更广泛的生态系统中的机会.

Could you tell us a bit about GFT and your goals as an organisation?

GFT is a digital platform consultancy, 我们是在20世纪80年代由一群来自德国的顾问成立的.

在过去20年左右的时间里,我们与许多大型金融机构合作过, 为他们提供解决方案,并为大型和中小型金融企业提供咨询和思想领导. 

We have broadened out globally, and have offices in Brazil, America, Spain, Germany, and in the Middle East. 

We've also expanded from financial services to manufacturing, and a number of other sub industries as well in some areas.

And what is your role within the company?

I am the Practice Lead for cybersecurity in the UK, 过去一年左右,我一直在这里,在英国建立网络安全能力.

What are some of the key industries or sectors that GFT serves, and how do your offerings cater to their unique needs?


As I mentioned, globally we are active across the industry. We pride ourselves on engineering excellence, 这意味着我们可以解决其他公司无法解决的问题. In the last year, 我们已经在金融犯罪和大规模等领域部署了解决方案, platform security solutions which cater for our customers’ needs.

What types of projects do your teams typically work on with clients, and do you have any recent projects you’re particularly proud of?

去年我参与的一个项目是我们在东欧建立一家银行. This was a completely cloud first digital bank, 我们建立并保护了云平台,然后在上面运营银行, developed a mobile app for the customer, and essentially built and provisioned all of this work in a year.

We’re about to go live with that in the next month or so, 基本上在一年的时间里建立了一家银行,这是相当令人印象深刻的. From a security point of view, 这是一个非常大的项目,我非常喜欢参与其中.

我们最近参与的另一个项目让我感到非常自豪,那就是利用几个合作伙伴为我们的一个大型金融客户解决欺诈问题. We rolled that out in about a year, 基本上是想用人工智能和机器学习来取代现有的欺诈系统,以提供更好的覆盖范围.

您对行业中哪些新兴技术或趋势最感兴趣, and how is GFT positioning itself to leverage these opportunities?


GFT has built out an AI marketplace, which we call AI.DA. You can find out more about that, on our website. 


我对我们的合作感到非常兴奋,例如,我们与帕洛阿尔托网络公司的合作. 去年年底,我们获得了Prisma Cloud年度合作伙伴奖,这真是太棒了. And so, 我们期待着利用这种关系,并作为一个伟大的合作伙伴与他们一起向前发展.

Let’s discuss the GFT team. 在GFT,你们采取了哪些措施来吸引和留住顶尖的技术人才?

我们已经连续四年被授予最佳工作场所奖. We have a great benefits package, compensate well, 提供学习和发展机会,并提供混合工作政策.

在留住人才方面,我们喜欢让我们的员工从事有趣的项目. 建立数字银行就是一个很好的例子——我们在这里做一些非常有趣的事情,我认为这是确保人才愿意留下来的最好方法之一.

您能分享一些十大网博靠谱平台GFT公司文化的见解吗?是什么让它成为一个独特的工作场所, particularly for tech professionals?

我想这应该是我之前十大网博靠谱平台所有好处的观点, the learning culture we have, 我们也想宣传让女性进入科技工作领域的重要性.

We do lots of events around this, 并参与十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的“数字她”等项目,我们是该项目的支持者, and sponsor a number of women in tech events, like Reframe Women in Tech. 机会平等对我们来说非常重要,我们鼓励女性参与到这样的活动中来.

Finally, 对于GFT来说,在大十大网博靠谱平台的科技界发挥积极作用有多重要?你是否有办法为更广泛的生态系统做出贡献?

We’re very much entrenched in Greater Manchester’s tech ecosystem. We sponsored the Greater Manchester FinTech ecosystem report in 2023. 在过去的三年里,我们一直是数字城市节的赞助商,在过去的两年里,我们一直是“重塑科技女性”的赞助商. We also feel it’s important to play a role in the wider community. 我们参加了一些职业活动,我们的团队与学校和大学的学生交谈,鼓励他们进入科技行业.  

We recently launched our Manchester security meetups, which came from an idea I had towards the end of last year, identifying that there wasn’t a regular security meetup here. Our latest event was on 17th April, where we talked about how people got into security, 有几位主讲人讲述了他们在网络安全方面的经历.

And of course we’re committed members of Manchester Digital, 并定期参加他们的活动,如数字技能节和数字妇女活动计划. 


Thank you Simon!

Find out more about GFT here.

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