

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与人力资源协调员Bekki Walker进行对话 IMS.


我是Bekki Walker,目前在IMS担任人力资源协调员. 在这家公司度过了一段漫长的旅程,至今已经持续了近7年. Interestingly, my tenure here didn't begin in the HR department, I started off as a data analyst. 然而, 大约一年前, 我转到了人力资源部门, 我必须说, 这是一次令人难以置信的充实经历. 我发现了我对人力资源的热情,这是我以前不知道的, and I'm excited to continue growing and contributing to the success of IMS in this capacity.

Could you give us an overview of IMS and the work you do in the automotive digital space? 贵公司对行业有什么影响?

IMS是汽车数字化领域的全球领先公司, 专注于基于远程信息处理的互联保险解决方案. 我们的使命是通过使驾驶更安全来推动积极的变化, 更聪明的, 对路上的所有人都更公平. 对加强道路安全和拯救生命有着共同的热情, we are dedicated to leveraging our expertise and innovative technology to achieve these goals. 在IMS,我们在行业中脱颖而出有几个原因. 首先也是最重要的, 我们是以客户参与为主导的产品设计的先驱, 这使我们能够根据司机的需求和行为制定解决方案. Through innovative risk-based pricing models and advanced approaches to collision detection and claims management, we empower insurers and automotive companies to offer more personalized and effective services to their customers.

我们的主要优势之一在于我们以人为本的技术™, 行业经验与客户成功的独特结合. This approach enables us to support our clients in the implementation and delivery of telematics and connected insurance solutions, 确保最佳结果和最大影响.

作为雇主的首选,IMS已经建立了良好的声誉. What would you say are the key elements of your company culture that make it an attractive place to work?

IMS培养了一种公司文化,使其成为雇主的首选, 由在整个组织中产生共鸣的核心价值观驱动.

协同工作: 协作是我们在IMS所做的一切工作的核心. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment where employees are encouraged to work together across teams and departments. Collaboration not only enhances our ability to innovate and problem-solve but also creates a sense of unity and camaraderie among our employees.

认为不同: 创新在我们的文化中根深蒂固. 我们鼓励员工跳出思维定势, 挑战现状, 并突破可能的界限. 通过培养一种创新和开放的文化, we continuously strive to develop groundbreaking solutions that drive positive change in the automotive industry.

我们关心: 在艾美仕,我们真诚地关心员工的幸福和成功. 我们优先考虑工作与生活的平衡, 提供专业成长和发展的机会, and offer support and resources to help employees thrive both personally and professionally. Our commitment to employee well-being fosters a positive and fulfilling work environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

客户问题: 顾客的满意是我们成功的关键. 我们致力于了解客户的需求, 提供卓越服务, 并且超出了他们的期望. 在我们所做的一切事情中,客户满意度是第一位的, 我们建立持久的关系,提高客户忠诚度, 最终为公司的成功和发展做出贡献.

超越: 我们相信,要做到精益求精,才能取得优异的成绩. 无论是在服务客户方面, 支持我们的同事, 或者推动创新, 我们所做的每一件事都追求卓越. 通过设定高标准和不断挑战自己做得更好, 我们推动持续改进,并保持我们作为行业领导者的声誉.

雇主品牌对吸引顶尖人才至关重要. How do you position IMS's employer value proposition (EVP) and what are the main benefits you highlight to prospective employees?

IMS处于汽车行业技术创新的前沿. We offer employees the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and solutions that are revolutionizing the way people drive and insurers operate. 未来的员工会被我们充满活力和前瞻性的环境所吸引, 在哪里,他们可以为突破性的项目做出贡献,塑造出行的未来.

我们优先考虑员工的专业成长和发展. Providing a supportive and collaborative culture where employees are encouraged to take on new challenges, 拓展他们的技能, 追求自己的职业目标. 在IMS, employees can make a meaningful impact on society by contributing to initiatives that improve road safety and save lives. 未来的员工会被我们以目标为导向的文化所吸引, 他们的工作与我们让驾驶更安全的使命直接一致吗, 更聪明的, 对所有人都更公平,也会被我们的支持性和包容性文化所吸引, 重视团队合作, 多样性是值得庆祝的. 通过协同工作, 员工可以互相学习, 利用不同的观点, 共同取得更大的成功. 我们理解保持健康的工作与生活平衡的重要性. We offer flexible work arrangements and other benefits to support employees in achieving a balanced lifestyle. Prospective employees appreciate our commitment to their well-being and are attracted to the opportunities for personal and professional fulfilment that IMS provides.

留住技术工人是一个持续的挑战,尤其是在科技领域. What initiatives or programs does IMS have in place to engage and retain your valued employees?

IMS优先考虑员工的专业成长和发展. 我们提供各种职业发展机会, 包括外部指导项目, 培训班, 以及继续教育的学费报销. 通过投资于员工的成长和发展, we demonstrate our commitment to their long-term success and encourage them to stay with the company as they advance in their careers. We have established recognition programs to acknowledge outstanding performance and celebrate milestones and accomplishments. We understand the importance of work-life balance and offers flexible work arrangements to accommodate the needs of our employees.

无论是远程工作选项, 灵活的调度, or our flexible holidays we empower our employees to achieve a balance between their professional and personal lives. Providing flexibility in the workplace helps improve employee satisfaction and retention by offering greater autonomy and control over their work environment. We organize various employee engagement activities and events throughout the year to foster a sense of community and belonging among our team members. 这可能包括团队建设练习, 社交聚会, 志愿服务机会, 主题活动. 通过促进员工之间的友情和联系, 我们加强了团队内部的联系,提高了员工的士气和参与度.

展望未来, what are some of IMS's priorities when it comes to evolving your culture and EVP to continue recruiting and retaining the best digital talent?

Implementing regular feedback mechanisms and recognition programs to ensure that employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. 这可以包括同伴认可计划, 经理反馈会议, and performance evaluations that provide constructive feedback and opportunities for growth. IMS将继续提供灵活的工作安排, 包括远程工作选项, 灵活的工作时间, 灵活的假期. This flexibility allows employees to better manage their personal and professional commitments, 导致更高的工作满意度和留任率. Implementing strategies to enhance employee engagement and foster a sense of belonging within the organisation. 这可以包括团队建设活动, 社交活动, 员工调查, and opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration to strengthen relationships and create a more cohesive workforce.


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