

你认为饼干是从烤箱里出来的吗? 很确定云属于天空? 深信CSS是一种船? 永远不要害怕,我们的数据 & 技术招聘顾问 Ellie Martin talks us through the commonly misunderstood tech terms she has seen throughout her experience in the industry and in candidate's CVs!

作为一个以前做过软件开发人员的人, 现在正专注于科技招聘, 不过,我知道一些专业术语, 我发现的是, 很多人在使用它们的时候并不真正知道它们的意思! 下面我列出了十大被误用和误解的技术术语……

Ellie Martin -数据 & 技术招聘顾问

1. “Internet”和“Web”的区别是什么??

Starting off with one that most people use on the daily; internet and web- aren’t they interchangeable? 好吧, no, the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks- a network of networks; while the Web is a collection of information that is accessed via the Internet.

看待这个问题的一种方式是,互联网是基础设施, and the Web is a service above that infrastructure- I find a good metaphor for this is the Internet is a library, 里面装满了大量的书(网络).


2. “敏捷”是什么意思?

Originally Agile has a very specific meaning- people from a 软件 development or project management background know this term well- it refers to a methodology that works through iterations, putting emphasis on continual adaptation and re-evaluation throughout a project’s life cycle; opposed to the waterfall methodology, which is linear and prioritises thorough planning and maintenance of a consistent vision.

然而, the term Agile is now used everyw在这里- with business professionals trying to imply a sense of flexibility or adaptability- but when pressed would not be able to actually tell you what agile means- Scrums and Sprints are now在这里 to be seen in these cases; and this can be a great cause of confusion between those throwing the term around, 还有那些知道这意味着什么的人!


3. “应用程序”和“应用程序”的区别是什么??

Many people think that these terms refer to the same thing; however, 应用程序往往很大, general-purpose 软件 that were built on top of operating systems- they are found as desktop applications, 例如Word, Excel, 和演示文稿.

另一方面, App的功能是有限的, 它们是为在线和移动设备(如智能手机)设计的。. 您将能够找到Word的在线和移动应用程序版本, Excel, 和演示文稿- but they will notably have much more limited functionality than their desktop counterpart.


4. 什么是“云”?

云并不是一个包罗万象的术语, unlike what some might think it is not a totally generic term that means everything that’s Web and Internet-related - the cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the internet and 软件 databases that run on those servers. These servers are spread across the globe in data centres –by using cloud computing, users don’t have to manage physical servers themselves; it allows users to access the same files and applications from nearly any device. This is why when you login to your LinkedIn from any device you can still see your post and chat history!


5. “前端”和“后端”的区别是什么??

前端和后端是科技行业中两个非常常用的术语, though some people just don’t know what each refers to and can get them mixed up; they are used to define the type of job done by 软件 and refer to the separation of concerns between the presentation layer (front end), 数据访问层(后端).

当谈到前端时, we are referring to the User Interface (UI)- which is what we see as users of an application (client side); w在这里as the back end is the ‘behind the scenes’ that delivers the information to you (server side); as a user you won’t ever come into contact with the back end- even if you hit F12. 例如, 使用网站时, clicking a link may call a function to show you a report pulled from a database.

6. 什么是“饼干”?

Cookie是一个大多数狂热的互联网用户都熟悉的术语, 但我不确定它到底是什么意思……

简单地说, cookie是包含小块数据的文本文件, 例如您的用户名和密码, 用于识别您的计算机. 特定的饼干, 称为HTTP cookie, 是否用于识别特定用户并改善您的浏览体验.

当你连接, data is created and stored in a cookie- which is then labelled with a unique; as the cookie is exchanged between your computer and the network server, 服务器读取ID并提取您的特定信息.


7. 什么是“HTML”和“CSS”?

Most of us have heard of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) but some may not know the exact difference between the two- essentially, HTML是用来创建网页的, CSS用于控制样式和布局.

HTML由元素和标签组成, 浏览器可以读取哪些内容以查看页面标题, 段落的开头和结尾, 等等.......

CSS uses properties and classes that are mostly categorised broadly into presentation and layout- presentation defines text colour, 字体类型, 字体大小, 背景颜色, 图片等. 布局指定了不同元素的位置.

一个好的思考方式是HTML是构建块, 而CSS则是用来告诉块的位置和颜色, 形状, 大小等.)

有关HTML和CSS的更多信息,请查看我们的 “是什么...?指南!


8. 什么是“平台”?

平台是一个相对来说不言自明的术语, 这就是为什么它经常被误用的原因……是硬件吗, 软件, 或两个?

计算平台, 或者数字平台, 是执行软件的环境吗. 它可以是硬件或操作系统(OS), or even a web browser and associated application programming interfaces (or other underlying 软件)- as long as the program code is executed with it.


9. 什么是“记忆体”和“磁碟空间”?

I’ve heard my share of confusion around memory and disk space; in computing, memory refers to the temporary storage used by a computer; a computer loads programs and data into its memory to carry out tasks, 这就是RAM(随机存取存储器).

磁盘空间(或硬盘空间)是更永久的存储, that holds files even after the computer is turned off; it’s from 在这里 that the computer loads programs and data into its memory.


10. 什么是“带宽”?

最后的, 但重要的是, 我们有带宽——我们都听说过, 我们大多数人都在谈话中使用过这个词(可能不正确)!), but what actually is it; bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection- it measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a certain amount of time.

带宽用来描述网络的速度, but it does not measure how fast bits of data move from one location to another, 因为数据包通过光纤或电子电缆传输, 传输的每个比特的速度是微不足道的.

想象这一点的一个好方法是把网络连接想象成一个管道, and each bit of data as a grain of sand- if you pour a large amount of sand through a thin tube, then it will take a longer time to flow through when compared to the same amount of sand flowing through a larger tube.


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